Very clean vinyl and labels. Sleeve has light ring wear, no splits or writing. Record is in excellent condition, only a few visible light hairlines. Supplied with new high-quality sleeve protector.
[Front sleeve
Sometimes has a small sticker: 'Double Album for the price of one'
[Back sleeve
Recorded and mixed at studio Ace Antwerp and Southern Studio's London.
All live tracks mixed by Roland Beelen, remastered at Ace Antwerpen.
Tracks C1 + C2 recorded live in Amsterdam, 3/2/84.
Track C3 recorded live in Beverlo, 28/1/83.
Tracks C4, D4 + D5 recorded live in Sittard 11/11/83.
Tracks D1 + D2 recorded live in Leiden, 16/1/82.
Track D3 recorded live in Den Haag, 8/1/82.
[Track B1
Excerpt of Hungarian Rhapsody by [a226461.
Excerpt of the invocation to the goddess Tantric Puja by the Lamas of the Nyingmapa Monastery Internationale.
All songs published by Antler Belgium.
This record is owned and controlled by: Antler Rec. and vzw Straatlawaai Prod.
Duitsveldbaan 6
3111 Wezemaal
Antler 031 Siglo XX Dubbel Album
Antler Records & Straatlawaai Prod. v.z.w.
All songs published by Antler
Label rim text: Made in EEC.
Some records are released with a numbered SABAM sticker on label:
168801 or 167328: record 1
167271 or 167235: record 2
[Extra info not found on release
The 1st vinyl was also released later as LP [r1150011 with different center labels.
The 2nd vinyl was also released as LP [r434081 with different artwork.
A1. Some Have A Laughter 4:33 A2. Guild And Desire 5:23 A3. Moving Creatures 4:46 B1. Babies On A Battlefield 8:47 B2. The Fiddle 0:17 . Livesides C1. Fools 4:24 C2. Obsession 4:18 C3. Whispers 4:40 C4. Room 5:38 D1. Birds 4:54 D2. Into The Dark 3:50 D3. Progress 4:19 D4. The Beginning 4:02 D5. The Art Of War 3:19
Recorded At Ace Studio Mixed At Ace Studio Remastered At Ace Studio Recorded At Southern Studios Mixed At Southern Studios Published By Antler Pressed By EMI Services Benelux B.V.